Enzyme Rejuvenation
There are hundreds of biochemical enzymes in the body, constantly keeping the body functioning properly. Enzymes are comparable to the battery in a car. Without the spark from the battery, even a brand-new car will not work. Our lives would cease to exist without enzymes. They are a vital source of energy. Enzymes are the primary motivators, the catalysts for all natural biochemical processes. Enzymes possess the energy necessary to digesting food, freeing the nutrients and assisting the biochemical reactions. The body’s ability to make enzymes can be exhausted by diets devoid of naturally occurring enzymes. All types of overcooked foods (enzymes are killed at 118 degrees Fahrenheit) and highly processed foods deplete these enzymes. When we deplete the enzyme reserve, the digestive system recruits the supply from other sources such as the white blood cells, which are used to kill invading viruses and bacteria. Mobilizing the body’s immune system every time “enzyme deficient” foods are eaten is known as DIGESTIVE LEUKOCYTOSIS. This constant abuse can fatigue the immune defense capabilities and lay the groundwork for degenerative conditions in the body. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE ENZYME DEFICIENT? If you have general fatigue, a feeling of tired all the time and all over the body, chronic degeneration (everyday aches and pains), these are the only outward evidences of enzyme deficiencies. And…the outward signs do not show until the reserves can no longer meet the demand. ARE THESE SOME OF THE SYMPTOMS YOU HAVE BEEN NOTICING IN YOUR OWN BODY?
Enzyme Rejuvenation